Who Knew Growing Up Could Be This Hard?

Who Knew Growing Up Could Be This Hard?

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I wanted to blog since this morning but got all caught up on YouTube :D *Again. Hehe.. Guilty* 

I've been replaying DaveDays cover of What Makes You Beautiful- One Direction. IT IS AWESOME! Must Watch, or hear, or yea... Compulsory to Like and Subscribe! If I'm not mistaken he's turning 20 on August 13th *LIKE ME!* :)

In other News! I have also been watching Charlieissocoollike *His name makes you feel cool!* Fun Science videos! :D And the video. He makes me feel smart :3 

Fun Science! - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEB92E275F78C7301

So yea! That should bee all. *For Now* Gotta catch up with Agama, haven't studied at all D: Till then... Byeee :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Finding The Words...

This might be the third day you've been acting like this. I can't stand watching your tears fall. That day, in the car, what a fright you gave me. My memory is a blur but I remember almost everything. You were angry... frustrated... you were hurt. By what? I cant seem to figure that out. 

You wear a mask, hiding the pain with a smile. You never fail to convince the rest of the world, but you can't fool me. I know you more than you know. But, why aren't you telling me...? Right, of course. You're worried that whatever it is that is going on will interrupt me from my education and such. But what you don't know is... not telling me bothers me more.

Everyday, every minute, I wonder... Will everything go smoothly? Will whatever it is slide? Things have changed. I don't remember you listening to this much Adele. I don't remember you wanting to blast the radios. I especially don't remember having you wear sunglasses when the sun is not even up.

I know that you would say "this is non of your business" but indirectly it is. I am part of this too. You were there for me, holding on when I was about to let go. You were the one who picked me up when I was about to crash and burn. This time, I want to return the favor and I want to be there for you whenever you need me. But, you would most probably tell me "A way you can help is to not interfere at all." Well, at least that's what I have in mind... For now.

La Tahzan. Don't be sad. Something you have always thought me to do. I have tried, hiding my emotions with a smile. Always telling myself that it'll be alright, and always have faith in God. God is forgiving and God knows what we are feeling. God is there when we need him. Don't you remember? Now, its your turn. 

I love you with all my heart. I hope you know that well.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Double Trouble ;)

"So why do I disappear when you come near, it makes me feel so small"
-Superman, Joe Brooks

I'm bad at intros. 
Yesterday was AWESOME! Had tons of activities. *Two actually :P* But yeah. I found it to be extremely exciting 'cause it was one of the first events that I actually helped out with. *Technically HOLES was first, GiGASA came second* BUT STILL! Haha. Okay, I should stop now. *Let the Crapping Begin*


Meh. Wasn't involved. Yes World its true, I DID NOT get straight A's. I got 6As Instead. AND I'M PROUD >:) 

Since I knew it was going to be a long day, I took the initiative of telling Iman to bring her Hunger Games book. I brought my English Lit book in hope of finishing it up as well. I was late so I had to stand at the side and wait for the morning announcements. 

I went into class and all I saw was Navittra *Sorry if I spelled it wrong xO* standing there. EVERYONE GONE! Well, duh. The fact that I was in the second best class, Everyone had gone to the hall to get their certificate for their excellent performance in PMR. 

So there we were. An announcement came saying that we have to go to the Chemistry lab. 4SA and 4SB. Checked 4SA, no one *could have guessed :P* and then there's me and Navittra. Screw It! We're staying in class! :P 

Basically, I read Hunger Games and did some Lit work but failed because of my injured finger *I'm Such A Baby*. And yeah. Not to mention lots of sleep ~.~ :P


This event, I was involved in! xD FUN! I got my own name tag ;) *Bangga Jap*  I was helping Iman under ticketing so we stood by the door. 

Common Line: 
Check whether they have the 'x'- "Can I see your Hand?"
Cut the ticket                           - "Can I have your ticket?"
When they want to go out         - " Can I see your 'x'?" *If you know what I mean ;)*

That's about it! My favorite "guests" would have to be Victoria Institution. We asked for their ticket and they said "Um, we're going in together". Aw, How cute! 

Performances were AWESOME! There was Zaza, Spades, Exclamation, Space Hawk, Heart A Tack and tons more! You, who didn't come, missed out on a lot :P There were games in between but I didn't join because, uh, just because :)

I saw HIM there too. WHY WERE YOU THERE! D: I don't even know KNOW you, yet I'm head over heels. You're not even my type! I hope this is just gonna be a slight crush. :\ Now he's stuck in my mind. So close to forgetting him.

That's about what happened yesterday. Today was boring and tomorrow? Nobody knows :) 
I guess that's about it.

Nighty Night World!

p/s: Sorry for the horrible intro *Song Doesn't count ;P*

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hello There :)

Hey you! ^^

Guess you found your way to my site. CONGRATULATIONS! *or not :P* The reason I created this site is to express my thoughts, stories, and, uh, dreams? haha... And in these stories and dreams, you can imagine you, yes you the random reader, as the main character :) 

Firstly, I would like to apologize on grammar and spelling errors *Not so good with them :\*. Also, I'm not such an active blogger since I have to ALSO concentrate on my studies and all that stuff. Another thing is, I'm truly sorry if I have offended you in any way at all. *I can be mean >:)*. 

So yeah. That's about all that I have to say. If you don't like it here, then disappear ;) *Just Sayin'*

See you in my next post! *I guess :)*