Who Knew Growing Up Could Be This Hard?

Who Knew Growing Up Could Be This Hard?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mend My Soul.

"Like the stars hold the moon, right there where they belong"
-When I Look At You, Miley Cyrus

The morning light from the lightly tinted window pane blinded my eyes. I turned to face my soul mate and cuddled up against its softness. Pillow, I love you; now and forever. After rolling around for about 10 minutes, I finally decided on getting out of bed. I slid my feet into my fluffy blue bunny slippers and picked up my watch on the side desk. Funny, the time showed 2008... I'll just need to go to the shop later. My vision was still a blur but I managed to head to the front of my door. The door knob was cold when I turned it to head out. The sound of music and sizzles filled my ear. I was greeted with the smell of good smelling bacon and eggs. A smile plastered across my face. Nothing beats the smell of breakfast in the morning, I thought as I stepped into the kitchen.

Cadence was already whipping something up for us. She HAS to be the best chef around campus. No one can beat what she cooks. I took in the sight of the room. Aria was sitting at the front couch with her guitar and song sheets. Hm… must be one of those morning inspirations. She was still in her pajamas like me but she as usual managed to pull off a way better look than I would ever. Harmony was at her usual spot of the table already bathed and holding up her phone. I bet she’s gotten herself into another one of those Wattpad stories again. 

I sat across the kitchen table and placed my head lightly on the table. My eyes slowly fluttered to dreamland. Before the ship set sailed, “AAAHHHH~!!!” the screech from Harmony burst my eardrums. Cadence dropped an egg to the floor and Aria plucked on the wrong note. Somebody needs to control her chaos!

“Are you crazy?! I could have gotten deaf thanks to you!” I pouted as I looked at her directly in the eyes. She ignored my words. “Darren asked Danni to be with him! Aw!” She melted after reading that sentence. The other two girls gushed along with her. I rolled my eyes. Romance is just too mainstream sometimes. All the stories would start off as a person who’s just mediocre that will fall in love with a really popular guy, which should be in either the football team or the baseball team. The guy realizes that he is falling for the wrong girl all this while and… BAM! Instant love.

I dragged my feet across the room and away from the crazy nuts I live with to take a bath. As soon as I was done, I was greeted with the horrible jungle I called my room. That’s it. No more messy Melody. I turned up my stereo to some amazing songs. I grabbed the vacuum and the duster. Removed my bed sheets and curtains and placed them in the laundry basket. Well, at the side of it since it won’t fit. My dirty clothes were placed at the rightful place. My books were rearranged and my desk was clear as crystal. Not literally though. 

I just noticed that all I was wearing was my robe and a towel on my head. I walked up to my wardrobe and realized that there was ANOTHER mess. I breathed in and let out a loud sigh. I picked up the pace and determined on the clothes that were still good and those that were good to be gone. I pulled out a new bed sheet and placed it on the bed. A new colored curtain was placed on the desk, purple doesn't seem too bad of a color. I will attend to you shortly, I spoke to myself, as if they were going to understand. 

After the curtains were up, bed sheets were spread, table was cleared, wardrobe was tidied up, I reached for a white colored t-shirt and a pair of three quarter white pants. I dried my hair and tied it up with a crocodile clip. Before closing the doors behind me, I smiled at what a good job I've done. The laundry was the last thing I had to do. I went to the laundry room which was just across Harmony’s room. The girls were all cuddled up in their blankets watching another romance movie I suppose. I shook my head and separated the light's from the dark's  “Anyone want me to wash their laundries as well?” I waited for a while. “Anyone…?” A long pause was heard. “I guess that’s a no.” I shrugged as I removed any scrap paper in the pockets, a habit that I happen to have. 

I was emptying the pockets of an old pair of pants that I haven’t touched for a long while. I wonder when was the last time I wore these? I stuffed my fingers into the deep pockets to find a pink paper with words scribbled on it. The words were obviously my writing since it rather peculiar. I squinted my eyes and saw the words in capital: WILL YOU BE THE FROSTING TO MY CUPCAKE? The memories immediately flashed back. The reason why I never believed in that typical romance was because of this pink paper. Tears started forming in my eyes as I remembered all that happened on that day.

It was so close to the end of summer break. The last day of summer which I had spent my time with Jason, the captain of the swim team. He was perfect, everything every girl had dreamed off. He had gorgeous hazel eyes and a smile that can light up your day. Apart from being incredibly handsome, he had that personality which made me feel attracted to him. He was funny, optimistic and very protective. But I guess he was blinded by what he wanted and forgot about what he had. Yes, I had a major crush on him. In my mind, I pictured us to be together someday, but I guess day dreams will stay day dreams. All summer, he’s been eyeing this girl, Tyra. And, as everyone expected, was the most perfect, top notch gymnast in school. Next to her, I’m just a stain in the corner of the wall of a big house. There’s no way I’ll ever be his.

As the sunset across the valley, cherishing every moment I had with him, reminiscing the times we had spent with tutoring and video games, cooking and baking, laughing and crying. We were almost like best friends. I decided to brave myself to hand him the pink colored paper. My enthusiastic smile faded away when I saw him holding hands with Tyra. He looked over at me but didn't say anything, he didn't even smile. He looked happy as he finally hung out with his friends. And that’s when I realized that he’ll never be mine. All those days were just but a memory in his brain. Now that he’s gotten his girl and his friends, I guess its over for me. I crushed the paper and stuffed it in my pockets. With tears in my eyes, I walked past him and whispered “Goodbye Jason Henderson.” All he did was shrug. I was just another myth in his head. 

I snapped back to reality and noticed that the clothes were already in the washing machine. I wiped my tears as I noticed that the girls were getting ready to go out for, well, a formal event I guess? I guess I wasn't invited. I'll just join them in kick-back outside til they're done. The three girls were in front of my room. I walked over to join them but they had already closed the door and headed to the lounge. I could see tears in Cadence’s eyes. “What’s wrong Caddie?” I asked. But she didn't answer me at all. I shrugged away as she walked right past me. 

I tagged along with them in the car to their destination, but no one said a word. I decided to remain silent as well. It was awkward sitting in a car where everyone was wearing black and you’re there like “Nah, I’ll just wear white”. Aria took her turn, parking at the quiet cemetery. Why are they here anyway? I questioned myself but dare not make a sound. They walked along the grassy ground towards a tomb not far. Their eyes were already filled with tears before we got there. 

Aria held the girls’ hands and sat them around the tomb. “Hi, Melody! It’s been 4 years and we miss you terribly. We were reading Wattpad and it reminded us about how much you hated it. We decided to watch the videos we made together... remember?” The girls’ cries over powered the voice of Aria. “Every day we talk about how you... you would always clean up our rooms for us, so today we decided to change the curtains and the bed sheets to purple, your favorite color.” Tears filled Aria’s eyes. I stepped back a little, stunned by her words. “Your blue bunny slippers are still there too… We really do miss you.” Aria could no longer continue as she sobbed louder. The girls formed a circle and hugged each other. Curiosity got the best of me so I took a step closer and read the words on the tomb.

" "Everybody needs inspiration, everybody needs a song, a beautiful Melody, when the nights are long". Her love and support was our drive for a better tomorrow. You will always remain in our heart and soul, Melody Harper Clark. "