Who Knew Growing Up Could Be This Hard?

Who Knew Growing Up Could Be This Hard?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mend My Soul.

"Like the stars hold the moon, right there where they belong"
-When I Look At You, Miley Cyrus

The morning light from the lightly tinted window pane blinded my eyes. I turned to face my soul mate and cuddled up against its softness. Pillow, I love you; now and forever. After rolling around for about 10 minutes, I finally decided on getting out of bed. I slid my feet into my fluffy blue bunny slippers and picked up my watch on the side desk. Funny, the time showed 2008... I'll just need to go to the shop later. My vision was still a blur but I managed to head to the front of my door. The door knob was cold when I turned it to head out. The sound of music and sizzles filled my ear. I was greeted with the smell of good smelling bacon and eggs. A smile plastered across my face. Nothing beats the smell of breakfast in the morning, I thought as I stepped into the kitchen.

Cadence was already whipping something up for us. She HAS to be the best chef around campus. No one can beat what she cooks. I took in the sight of the room. Aria was sitting at the front couch with her guitar and song sheets. Hm… must be one of those morning inspirations. She was still in her pajamas like me but she as usual managed to pull off a way better look than I would ever. Harmony was at her usual spot of the table already bathed and holding up her phone. I bet she’s gotten herself into another one of those Wattpad stories again. 

I sat across the kitchen table and placed my head lightly on the table. My eyes slowly fluttered to dreamland. Before the ship set sailed, “AAAHHHH~!!!” the screech from Harmony burst my eardrums. Cadence dropped an egg to the floor and Aria plucked on the wrong note. Somebody needs to control her chaos!

“Are you crazy?! I could have gotten deaf thanks to you!” I pouted as I looked at her directly in the eyes. She ignored my words. “Darren asked Danni to be with him! Aw!” She melted after reading that sentence. The other two girls gushed along with her. I rolled my eyes. Romance is just too mainstream sometimes. All the stories would start off as a person who’s just mediocre that will fall in love with a really popular guy, which should be in either the football team or the baseball team. The guy realizes that he is falling for the wrong girl all this while and… BAM! Instant love.

I dragged my feet across the room and away from the crazy nuts I live with to take a bath. As soon as I was done, I was greeted with the horrible jungle I called my room. That’s it. No more messy Melody. I turned up my stereo to some amazing songs. I grabbed the vacuum and the duster. Removed my bed sheets and curtains and placed them in the laundry basket. Well, at the side of it since it won’t fit. My dirty clothes were placed at the rightful place. My books were rearranged and my desk was clear as crystal. Not literally though. 

I just noticed that all I was wearing was my robe and a towel on my head. I walked up to my wardrobe and realized that there was ANOTHER mess. I breathed in and let out a loud sigh. I picked up the pace and determined on the clothes that were still good and those that were good to be gone. I pulled out a new bed sheet and placed it on the bed. A new colored curtain was placed on the desk, purple doesn't seem too bad of a color. I will attend to you shortly, I spoke to myself, as if they were going to understand. 

After the curtains were up, bed sheets were spread, table was cleared, wardrobe was tidied up, I reached for a white colored t-shirt and a pair of three quarter white pants. I dried my hair and tied it up with a crocodile clip. Before closing the doors behind me, I smiled at what a good job I've done. The laundry was the last thing I had to do. I went to the laundry room which was just across Harmony’s room. The girls were all cuddled up in their blankets watching another romance movie I suppose. I shook my head and separated the light's from the dark's  “Anyone want me to wash their laundries as well?” I waited for a while. “Anyone…?” A long pause was heard. “I guess that’s a no.” I shrugged as I removed any scrap paper in the pockets, a habit that I happen to have. 

I was emptying the pockets of an old pair of pants that I haven’t touched for a long while. I wonder when was the last time I wore these? I stuffed my fingers into the deep pockets to find a pink paper with words scribbled on it. The words were obviously my writing since it rather peculiar. I squinted my eyes and saw the words in capital: WILL YOU BE THE FROSTING TO MY CUPCAKE? The memories immediately flashed back. The reason why I never believed in that typical romance was because of this pink paper. Tears started forming in my eyes as I remembered all that happened on that day.

It was so close to the end of summer break. The last day of summer which I had spent my time with Jason, the captain of the swim team. He was perfect, everything every girl had dreamed off. He had gorgeous hazel eyes and a smile that can light up your day. Apart from being incredibly handsome, he had that personality which made me feel attracted to him. He was funny, optimistic and very protective. But I guess he was blinded by what he wanted and forgot about what he had. Yes, I had a major crush on him. In my mind, I pictured us to be together someday, but I guess day dreams will stay day dreams. All summer, he’s been eyeing this girl, Tyra. And, as everyone expected, was the most perfect, top notch gymnast in school. Next to her, I’m just a stain in the corner of the wall of a big house. There’s no way I’ll ever be his.

As the sunset across the valley, cherishing every moment I had with him, reminiscing the times we had spent with tutoring and video games, cooking and baking, laughing and crying. We were almost like best friends. I decided to brave myself to hand him the pink colored paper. My enthusiastic smile faded away when I saw him holding hands with Tyra. He looked over at me but didn't say anything, he didn't even smile. He looked happy as he finally hung out with his friends. And that’s when I realized that he’ll never be mine. All those days were just but a memory in his brain. Now that he’s gotten his girl and his friends, I guess its over for me. I crushed the paper and stuffed it in my pockets. With tears in my eyes, I walked past him and whispered “Goodbye Jason Henderson.” All he did was shrug. I was just another myth in his head. 

I snapped back to reality and noticed that the clothes were already in the washing machine. I wiped my tears as I noticed that the girls were getting ready to go out for, well, a formal event I guess? I guess I wasn't invited. I'll just join them in kick-back outside til they're done. The three girls were in front of my room. I walked over to join them but they had already closed the door and headed to the lounge. I could see tears in Cadence’s eyes. “What’s wrong Caddie?” I asked. But she didn't answer me at all. I shrugged away as she walked right past me. 

I tagged along with them in the car to their destination, but no one said a word. I decided to remain silent as well. It was awkward sitting in a car where everyone was wearing black and you’re there like “Nah, I’ll just wear white”. Aria took her turn, parking at the quiet cemetery. Why are they here anyway? I questioned myself but dare not make a sound. They walked along the grassy ground towards a tomb not far. Their eyes were already filled with tears before we got there. 

Aria held the girls’ hands and sat them around the tomb. “Hi, Melody! It’s been 4 years and we miss you terribly. We were reading Wattpad and it reminded us about how much you hated it. We decided to watch the videos we made together... remember?” The girls’ cries over powered the voice of Aria. “Every day we talk about how you... you would always clean up our rooms for us, so today we decided to change the curtains and the bed sheets to purple, your favorite color.” Tears filled Aria’s eyes. I stepped back a little, stunned by her words. “Your blue bunny slippers are still there too… We really do miss you.” Aria could no longer continue as she sobbed louder. The girls formed a circle and hugged each other. Curiosity got the best of me so I took a step closer and read the words on the tomb.

" "Everybody needs inspiration, everybody needs a song, a beautiful Melody, when the nights are long". Her love and support was our drive for a better tomorrow. You will always remain in our heart and soul, Melody Harper Clark. "

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Shattered Hopes and Scattered Dreams

"Tell me why, you're so hard to forget. Don't remind me, I'm not over it."
-A Little Too Not Over You, David Archuleta

It was always you. You were the one giving me hope day by day. The one running through my mind hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second... I really thought that one day, maybe, just maybe... I won't have to dream anymore. My eyes gazed into the starry night sky as pictures of me and Cedric ran through my mind. Picture perfect moments could have been real if I just gave it a shot. But I'm a coward. Besides, it's too late now.

Imagine liking a person, for as long as you can remember. It's not an addiction, it's not an obsession. It's just a person that makes you feel like the world is not that bad after all. Cedric was one of those guys. He is one of the people in my life that mean the world to me. I get worried for no reason whenever he gets hurt; may it be physically or mentally. I tend to care about him a little too much. I fell head over heels, in the clouds, warm and fuzzy on the inside whenever he smiled. His smile. He deserves the best smile award. His shy smiles always meant something to me. 

Dreaming about one day, getting to let out all of what you felt towards him. Sending him little love notes and sharing your deepest secrets. Getting morning calls and meeting him at a place only the two of us would know. He was the one I wanted to spend my forever with. He was the one that could make my stomach do a perfect triple back flip which could have won first place in the Olympics. Cedric had a way of making me feel like I could fly with the little things he does. We were never together, we were never an item, we were barely even best friends. In fact, we were just two people who knew each other from school; Acquaintances. That is all we were. But I felt a connection. A spark. But, indeed, he obviously doesn't feel the same. 

Cedric won many girls' hearts. Not mine alone. He even won my parents hearts *which is really rare and hard for someone to do*. He was always with someone, every year if I'm not mistaken. He was the 'IT' guy everyone liked. Many girls have fallen in and out of love with him. And, in every moment, I felt his pain, his joy, his sadness, his happiness... Even if we're not best friends, even if he didn't tell me, I was there to share the moments from afar. I hated how I felt. I hated how I couldn't move on. I hated how I was so into him. I guess I fell too deep into this hole. 

There's always a time where he makes me feel like a freak. A freak who is obsessed with him. A person who always sniffs his butt, if you must. You can feel the coldness when he doesn't want to talk to you. When he's with his friends, he won't even look your way. But when he is alone, it's different. You don't need hints to know. I didn't understand WHY. Why does he have to act different around me when he has his pals by his side? Am I too ugly? too unsocial-able? too low-standard for you? It makes me feel so angry til the point where I start thinking that me and him are never going to have a future together, let alone being close friends. Me and Cedric, Cedric and I, we were nothing but a Grammy Award Winning love-story that will never happen. 

But, when his friends are not around, he turn into this person who I can never stay mad at. A person who makes me feel on top of the world! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THAT?! Maybe I'm not the only girl who feels like this, maybe I am. You never really know.

I'm starting to think that it's better of this way. Cedric living his life and I'll live in mine. I'll keep on thinking he's that one guy who I'll never get, and he can go on chasing other girls. I'm already emotional about something so small like that. Imagine if we were together, the world would be drowning in my tears .

" Love is a damaging mistake and its accomplice, Hope, is a treacherous illusion." - Zaza Azahar (@ZZazot)

It's that time of year to erase you from my memory, maybe this time I won't leave any marks.


Aloha people who read my blog :D

 It's been a while. I've been caught up with my studies *WHAT A MIRACLE* and staying up really is no fun. :\ Anyway, I can't wait to share with you my next post. Just give me a while alright? x)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Behind the Foggy Mist...

"I don't want to hurt you but I need to breathe, at the end of it all, you're still my best friend"
-Too Close, Alex Clare

Before I start on my rant of the day...

I look back to the past and I noticed that me and her fight (almost) every end of the year. It's always a different reason. But by the end of the day, We would still be friends. I question our friendship. Are we ultimate best friends? Is that why I can never stay mad at you forever? Is it because you mean a lot to me to the point where I am too afraid of losing you? Will this year end the same? 

There's always a reason for everything that happens. Maybe the choice of blogging my feelings isn't such a good thing. But the message gets passed anyways. Is it a sign that me and you are just not fit for each other? After all we've been through. The ups, the downs. Well. I take it as a lesson for all of us. Maybe by expressing my feelings, you would know how i feel....? Even if it means having to cut down a beautiful tree of friendship. I've been holding back those feelings of anger, frustration and sadness for way too long. Any longer then I'll explode into a million tiny pieces. "You can choose who you want in your life. Even if it means rejecting the people who want you in theirs." 

Right now, my feelings are tangled like split ends of hair, I just want to cut the end parts. Though, I regret nothing, instead I learn to move on and be a stronger person. Next year is going to be different. If drama comes knocking on my door, I'll just have to ignore everything and stay focused on what truly matters. I just don't want to feel the feelings of in-love, head-over-heels, anger, sadness, guilt... Negative thoughts have to wait for the next ride of The Emotional Roller Coaster; hopefully the ride will be delayed. 

Life is a roller-coaster of emotions, that's for sure. 

There's something people should start learning how to do, that is: Reading between the lines. I don't think you understood what I wrote the last time around. Just to clear the air, Heather (character of the 2nd last post) is not angry at Damian and Ellie together, AT ALL. Heather dislikes Damian and Ellie's ATTITUDE. Yes, world. Before you go on and make assumptions, please READ BETWEEN THE LINES.

I was also talking to one of my close friends about how some people don't get the main idea of things. Instead, they prefer to take down the details. For example --->


          - Main Idea
          - Details

See, being a friend is not about catching the details to my socks. It's about knowing that I am frustrated that I lost them. Still don't get it? Pretend someone sees me sad and angry at the same time. they come up to you and say "Hey, whats up with Nurin?" It wouldn't be logic for you to answer with "Her socks are pink fluffy and had stripes." Do you see now?

Another thing about humans is that sometimes we just wanna get over and done with when we read something that is long and doesn't matter. An easy example is HISTORY. We have so much to read til the point where we miss the other tiny bits and pieces. We skip to the main words all the time. And, well, different people, different ideas. You never know that those tiny words that you left out could have led you to and A+ But well, that's what you get. 

Reading is one thing. Understanding is another.

If you are like the people I listed, do read it again and UNDERSTAND the story. Because reading is one thing, understanding is another. I'm getting tired and sleepy. I just want to close my eyes and hide from everything right now. Good night, reader :)

p/s: I'm still afraid of losing you, I just need time to think things straight. Please understand that you still mean the world to me. 

Quick Post :)

Why Hello Readers :D

The last post I wrote changed a lot in my life. But, a part of me is saying that this is a start to moving on. Maybe I just need to leave the past behind and start a new chapter...? Well, There's one thing for sure. I've been listening to Chester *A LOT* and I came across this cover. Too Close by Alex Clare. It kind of describes my emotions....? 

Be sure to checkout Chester and Andy's version :

I'll blog more later I guess? haha. Tis All :)

You know I'm not one to break promises
I don't want to hurt you but I need to breathe
At the end of it all, you're still my best friend
But there's something inside that I need to release
Which way is right, which way is wrong
How do I say that I need to move on
You know we're headed separate ways

And it feels like I am just too close to love you
There's nothing I can really say
I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more
Got to be true to myself
And it feels like I am just too close to love you
So I'll be on my way

You gave me more that I can return
Yet there's so much that you deserve
Nothing to say, nothing to do,
I've nothing to give
I must leave without you
You know we're headed separate ways

And it feels like I am just too close to love you
There's nothing I can really say
I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more
Got to be true to myself
And it feels like I am just too close to love you
So I'll be on my way

So I'll be on my way

And it feels like I am just too close to love you
There's nothing that I can really say
I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more
Got to be true to myself
And it feels like I am just too close to love you
So I'll be on my way

So I'll be on my way
So I'll be on my way

Monday, November 26, 2012

If the shoe fits...

"Well, some nights I wish that this all would end"
-     Some Nights,  FUN     -        

This is going to be a post that has been bothering me for... quite a while. It might be a story, it might be real life or it might be a little bit of both... but if the shoe fits, wear it.

I saw him the other day. He went out with one of my closest friends. I had no deal with that at all... or did I?

I'm confused with my feelings about Damian. He is everything any girl would ask for. He's fun to be with, ever so charming, and his sweetness is beyond the Milkyway. I was his friend since forever but we started getting to know each other better around late December 2011. It was a stupid television show which lead to a movie which lead to us knowing each others secrets... Sooner than I thought, he had a grasp on my heart, I felt like we were one. As days passed, letters arrived. He swept me off my feet with his every charm. I fell even deeper into this hole which people keep falling into called Young Love. We started thinking about the future, about how much we meant to each other, our plans after we graduate. I was head over heels, I admit, but then I remembered Faith's words; "Isn't this going too fast?".

As days turned to weeks, I thought about all that had happened and where it was leading to. Eventually, I called it off. I needed to focus on other things and like my mother once said "Focus on what's important". It was tough, like an Add Math question where you don't get to bring the calculator in. I was hoping that we could still keep in contact and remain to be the best of friends we are. I thought that right now wasn't a good time and told him specifically that "If we ever find someone to take our place, we shouldn't let the feelings of each other hold us back." and "If God willing, we will get together again." . So I waited. A day passed... 2 days passed... and on the third day, I couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't saying anything. Either of us were. As if we were going to end up like sad relationships where you just don't talk to each other. So I made a move and thankfully, everything was back to normal.

It's been 2 months since that day passed. I told him about my secrets as usual, and I told him about a crush I had on someone for about 6 years already. His name was Riley who was always caught up with somebody else. I always found myself only but a shadow in his eyes. Damian was surprised and raised me the question about whether we were getting back together, yet again I said "no promises". About a day afterwards, I found out that Riley had broke up with his girlfriend. I was in shock since I didn't see it coming.but since then, things became weird.

Questions of how the breakup was and what happened was all around the campus ( i think it was). Everyone knew about it. Later on, my group of friends - being their awesome shipper heart self, decides to ship me and Riley. I was chilled and laid back about it until it started to annoy me. Every word of shipping was annoying. My feelings just couldn't stand how these people never get tired. But there was Ellie. Ellie had a different point of view of things. She started bringing back the topic of Damian to our lunch table. She hated how people forgot about the ship they made for me and Damian. She even said once that SHE wanted Riley to herself, I just fell back in silence and covered the blanket on me as I fell into my slumber, wishing it was all a dream.

I noticed lately that Damian and Ellie were getting to know each other. I was pretty fine with it. But the fact that every time I talked to Damian, she would want to mention to the world how we would last forever. How we were the perfect couple. I got annoyed by it because I'm not even sure whether I'm going to get good grades, let alone a life time with Damian. I get it. She's trying to be a supportive friend and all, but doesn't she ever think that it's going over board?

Damian was another issue. He has been so afraid of losing me. Lately, he's been skipping his classes because he was "ill" and such (wants to spend time with me) on free periods. I didn't like it at all. When you are committed to something, nothing should distract you. Back on topic. I've been super busy with studies, co-curricular activities, family and other more important things I need to attend to. And the worse part is, Damian treats as if I don't care about/want his presence. No, its not like that. I like it when he's around, but I need my own personal space too. I need to organize myself also. The world does not revolve around you alone, Damian. He has to stop obsessing over whether we were getting back together, like, for real. On other days, he likes to feel bad about himself. About how he isn't like other guys. Like seriously, even if I comfort him, he just wont stop.

Back to the statement I made above, I was referring to Ellie and Damian. yeah. They've been hanging out. Sharing stories, agreeing on the same topics, doing assignments together... I really don't mind if they get together actually. I wouldn't even be surprised if they had feelings for each other.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Hello blog readers! I'm sorry I haven't been posting anything in a while. Got too caught up with all that's happening around me. Studies, sports (kinda) and... stuff that you guys might not want to hear.Anyway, I'm sorry for keeping this blog dead for God knows how long. I'll try to update as much as possible :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012


" But you treat me like a stranger and I feel so rough. "
-Somebody I Used To Know, GOTYE

The past week was crazy. Well, at least I was. With problems at home, problems at school.. its like problems grow on trees.

Lately, things havent been easy... LIFE hasnt been easy. People starting to not care about life. People starting to get lazier day by day. No one really cares anymore. Love is just an asset. Life... Something I would never understand. 

I cared for you more than you imagine. I know that if I told you something, you would listen. But now its not that way anymore. I'm suddenly responsible for your job. SINCE WHEN. I get it, you're not yourself. Doesn't mean you can desert yourself from the problems of life. Instead, your problems will grow bigger and bigger. Like homework. If you dont do it, you're gonna end up with a whole mountain to finish.

Haven't you noticed how I want to hug you, talk to you, have a meal with you... It always feels like you want to avoid me. I dont even know who you are anymore. You used to be like a best friend to me. You've changed. Sigh. 

Today I just went all out. Even though you're not here to hear it. But I definitely felt better. I'm sorry for my siblings to have to hear me scream at them. I was supposed to be angry at someone else. I never break down in front of them, but this time... I'm sorry. I've never let out so much pain.  I''m sorry to the neighbors too. I hope they didn't think I was in danger or something. Now I have a sore throat. 

Well, Mothers day is coming soon. Doubt that I'd be celebrating it with my mum. 

EXAMS. Ugh. Another Problem. I haven't started studying. I can't concentrate in class or tuition. Its like I've hadn't had enough sleep. But, I've been sleeping early. As usual my routine of waking up at 3am is still running smoothly. except for these past few days. 

This might be the last post til mid terms. I think I'll go and study? Good luck with that. And to my Dreamers *LOLHWUT*, may mid term's be nice to you :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I wanted to blog since this morning but got all caught up on YouTube :D *Again. Hehe.. Guilty* 

I've been replaying DaveDays cover of What Makes You Beautiful- One Direction. IT IS AWESOME! Must Watch, or hear, or yea... Compulsory to Like and Subscribe! If I'm not mistaken he's turning 20 on August 13th *LIKE ME!* :)

In other News! I have also been watching Charlieissocoollike *His name makes you feel cool!* Fun Science videos! :D And the video. He makes me feel smart :3 

Fun Science! - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEB92E275F78C7301

So yea! That should bee all. *For Now* Gotta catch up with Agama, haven't studied at all D: Till then... Byeee :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Finding The Words...

This might be the third day you've been acting like this. I can't stand watching your tears fall. That day, in the car, what a fright you gave me. My memory is a blur but I remember almost everything. You were angry... frustrated... you were hurt. By what? I cant seem to figure that out. 

You wear a mask, hiding the pain with a smile. You never fail to convince the rest of the world, but you can't fool me. I know you more than you know. But, why aren't you telling me...? Right, of course. You're worried that whatever it is that is going on will interrupt me from my education and such. But what you don't know is... not telling me bothers me more.

Everyday, every minute, I wonder... Will everything go smoothly? Will whatever it is slide? Things have changed. I don't remember you listening to this much Adele. I don't remember you wanting to blast the radios. I especially don't remember having you wear sunglasses when the sun is not even up.

I know that you would say "this is non of your business" but indirectly it is. I am part of this too. You were there for me, holding on when I was about to let go. You were the one who picked me up when I was about to crash and burn. This time, I want to return the favor and I want to be there for you whenever you need me. But, you would most probably tell me "A way you can help is to not interfere at all." Well, at least that's what I have in mind... For now.

La Tahzan. Don't be sad. Something you have always thought me to do. I have tried, hiding my emotions with a smile. Always telling myself that it'll be alright, and always have faith in God. God is forgiving and God knows what we are feeling. God is there when we need him. Don't you remember? Now, its your turn. 

I love you with all my heart. I hope you know that well.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Double Trouble ;)

"So why do I disappear when you come near, it makes me feel so small"
-Superman, Joe Brooks

I'm bad at intros. 
Yesterday was AWESOME! Had tons of activities. *Two actually :P* But yeah. I found it to be extremely exciting 'cause it was one of the first events that I actually helped out with. *Technically HOLES was first, GiGASA came second* BUT STILL! Haha. Okay, I should stop now. *Let the Crapping Begin*


Meh. Wasn't involved. Yes World its true, I DID NOT get straight A's. I got 6As Instead. AND I'M PROUD >:) 

Since I knew it was going to be a long day, I took the initiative of telling Iman to bring her Hunger Games book. I brought my English Lit book in hope of finishing it up as well. I was late so I had to stand at the side and wait for the morning announcements. 

I went into class and all I saw was Navittra *Sorry if I spelled it wrong xO* standing there. EVERYONE GONE! Well, duh. The fact that I was in the second best class, Everyone had gone to the hall to get their certificate for their excellent performance in PMR. 

So there we were. An announcement came saying that we have to go to the Chemistry lab. 4SA and 4SB. Checked 4SA, no one *could have guessed :P* and then there's me and Navittra. Screw It! We're staying in class! :P 

Basically, I read Hunger Games and did some Lit work but failed because of my injured finger *I'm Such A Baby*. And yeah. Not to mention lots of sleep ~.~ :P


This event, I was involved in! xD FUN! I got my own name tag ;) *Bangga Jap*  I was helping Iman under ticketing so we stood by the door. 

Common Line: 
Check whether they have the 'x'- "Can I see your Hand?"
Cut the ticket                           - "Can I have your ticket?"
When they want to go out         - " Can I see your 'x'?" *If you know what I mean ;)*

That's about it! My favorite "guests" would have to be Victoria Institution. We asked for their ticket and they said "Um, we're going in together". Aw, How cute! 

Performances were AWESOME! There was Zaza, Spades, Exclamation, Space Hawk, Heart A Tack and tons more! You, who didn't come, missed out on a lot :P There were games in between but I didn't join because, uh, just because :)

I saw HIM there too. WHY WERE YOU THERE! D: I don't even know KNOW you, yet I'm head over heels. You're not even my type! I hope this is just gonna be a slight crush. :\ Now he's stuck in my mind. So close to forgetting him.

That's about what happened yesterday. Today was boring and tomorrow? Nobody knows :) 
I guess that's about it.

Nighty Night World!

p/s: Sorry for the horrible intro *Song Doesn't count ;P*

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hello There :)

Hey you! ^^

Guess you found your way to my site. CONGRATULATIONS! *or not :P* The reason I created this site is to express my thoughts, stories, and, uh, dreams? haha... And in these stories and dreams, you can imagine you, yes you the random reader, as the main character :) 

Firstly, I would like to apologize on grammar and spelling errors *Not so good with them :\*. Also, I'm not such an active blogger since I have to ALSO concentrate on my studies and all that stuff. Another thing is, I'm truly sorry if I have offended you in any way at all. *I can be mean >:)*. 

So yeah. That's about all that I have to say. If you don't like it here, then disappear ;) *Just Sayin'*

See you in my next post! *I guess :)*